Christopher & Joseph

have been married since

November 11, 2015

About Us

Christopher Kren

I turned 40 this year and what a great way to start a new chapter in my twilight years. I never thought that in my lifetime I'd be able to actually marry the man I love. After six amazing years together, I'm so excited and happy and honored to have Joseph as my husband. I look forward to many many more years of wedded bliss with my best friend and the man who holds the strings to my heart! (They're both Joe, by the way.)

Joseph Mora

I never knew I could be so happy and I never knew what true love was until I met Chris. I'm so excited to be getting married to the man I love. I know that some people look at us as we walk down the street trying to figure out what I'm doing with a man more than twice my age in this May/December relationship but I don't care. There's no other person on the planet I rather grow old with than my best bud and one and only true love!

Our Love Story


We’ve met

Our story begins like all modern day love stories: On the internet. We found each other on a dating site (not to be confused with a hook-up site). We emailed back and forth a few times before actually setting a time to meet and have a few drinks. We never really considered that night to be our first date. It was more of a recon fact finding mission.

First Date

After our first not-first-date, we set a day for our official first date. We really hit it off that night, but going on a first date can be nerve wracking. It's not really a first date if it's the only one. We were both pretty sure it would work out and lead to at least a second date but neither of us wanted to put the cart before the horse. We were just worried about how we looked (God, my hair looks like a toupee today.); what we were going to wear (Crap. I don't have any khakis to go with this awesome Yeoman Janice Rand t-shirt.); and how we were groomed (Does he like Drakkar Noir or does he hate it? Is that my breath?).

We finally met up at Cafe Giostra and had a fun and spontaneous evening. Little did we know that it was a night that would change our lives for the better forever!


One night back in 2010, Chris and Joe went out to Harvey's restaurant/bar in San Francisco's Castro District. It was Harvey's famous Wednesday night trivia quiz show with drag queen guest host, BeBe Sweetbriar. Chris had been planning this for months and he was as nervous as a whore in church. During the intermission, Chris popped the question to Joseph and after a long, insightful dramatic pause, Joseph said yes!

Of course, having a drag queen as the host meant that this intimate occasion in the middle of the surrounding chaos became a giant production that included putting them on the spot with a big raucous announcement. Neither of them can remember how many people bought them drinks that night or why they woke up the next morning in a dumpster behind City Hall.

Most Important People

Laura Segura
Chris' Best Woman

Laura has been Chris' best friend for over 20 years. She's been there for him through everything he's experienced in life as a confidant, a rock, and a comedienne. Chris and Laura are inseparable as friends and Chris can't imagine having his special day without Laura as his Best Woman.

Loren Hansen
Joe's Best Women

Loren is one of Joe's most true loyal friends and is his favorite little mole hole. She was his first roommate, and the minute he first laid eyes on her Lucille Ball red hair, porcelain white skin, and tattoo covered body, his life changed for the better. Joe missed Loren like a man misses his remote control when she moved to Canada, but when she returned seven years later, the two of them became even closer than they'd ever been. Loren has always had Joe's back and has never wavered in her acceptance for who Joe is as a person. Joe is humbled to have this spirit lifting, inspirational, quirky artist of a friend as his Best Maid of Honor when he marries the love of his life, Britney Loren has truly left a snail trail on Joe's heart.

Eric Guerin
Chris' Groomsman

Eric is stunned that someone with as much Star Trek knowledge as Chris can actually find and keep a man. Of Eric, Chris can only say this: “I have been, and always will be, your friend. Our Star Trek bromance has gone on for more than 15 years and I am honored to have you as my groomsman.” When asked if he'd be in Chris and Joe's wedding, Eric responded: “Make it so!”

Heather Harper
Joe's GroomsWomen

Heather and Joe met after locking themselves in a bathroom for four hours talking at a party. The other guests were less than thrilled but Joe and Heather became best of friends. Whenever Joe needs advice or a pick-me-up in times of need, Heather has always been a confidant. Joe has seen Heather through many a hair style change and the two of them get closer with every U-Haul bill. Joe can always count on the fact that if he is craving some good wine and great conversation, Heather will be there to deliver.

Mary Kren
Chris' Mother

Chris' mother is not only a rock for the entire family, but has been Chris' personal rock and motivation over the years. She taught him to be a hard worker and to deal with whatever life throws his way. His mother has always made Chris feel special and loved and has always given positive reinforcement for everything he's done. That nurturing environment gave Chris the confidence and self esteem he needed to ask a man six years his junior to be his husband. She is also his inspiration to be a better cook.

Kathy Sharp
Joe's Mother

Joe's mother is one of the strongest people he knows. She can leap a tall building in a single bound and make you tell the truth even without a magic lasso. She has always been an inspiration for Joe as she instilled the values of being a hard worker and a kind human being. Joe's favorite quote from his mom is: “Life can be so simple if you do the right thing”. She's humble, smart, has one of the biggest hearts you'll ever find, and would do anything for anyone. Joe has yet to meet another person who can make macaroni like his mom.

David Kren
Chris' Father

Chris' dad has always been there for him and has supported him with whatever life threw at Chris. The first time Chris really truly comprehended the depth of his dad's love, understanding, and acceptance was when his parents took out a parent ad in the back of his senior yearbook that said: “Remember, whatever you do or wherever you are, we will always be there for you.” Chris' dad has always been his inspiration to be a better partner in life.


Getting Hitched
September 28 2015 @ 1PM

Doing the official deed of marriage on the steps of San Francisco City Hall, with our immediate family and wedding party.

City Hall, Room 168
1 Carlton Goodlett
San Francisco, CA 94102-4685

Cross streets include Van Ness Street, Grove Street, McAllister Street and Dr. Carlton Goodlett Place (formerly known as Polk Street).

Sunset Cruise
November 8 or 9 2015

The Grand Solmar - is going to help us book this while we are down in Mexico. We would like to have everyone join us the first night in Cabo San Lucas for The Sunset Fajitas cruise in it's is a “must do.” and an experience you don’t want to miss. The view of the famous Arch and other sites of Cabo as the sun sets over the sea makes for an amazing back drop – don’t forget your camera!

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More information to come....


more information to come

Dinner Rehersal
November 10 2015 @ 6 PM

Owner Edith Jiménez is originally from the state of Guerrero, and her restaurant, a fine dining fixture in Cabo San Lucas for close to two decades, features a mixture of Baja and Guerreran cuisines, as well as generous helpings of fresh local seafood. The restaurant is located just a block from Médano Beach, has a comfortably yet upscale Mexican atmosphere, and operates the finest mesquite grill in town, as well as an air-conditioned wine cellar. Signature offerings include the Coqueta salad, the ``Wally Special`` with grilled lobster, garlic shrimp, and mesquite grilled catch of the day, and the Pancho Villa with grilled chicken breast, stuffed poblano pepper and chicken enchilada.

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Wedding Ceremony
November 11 2015 @ 4 PM

Located at the southernmost tip of the Baja Peninsula overlooking the exact point where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortez, Grand Solmar Land’s End Resort & Spa’s Land’s End terrace offers the perfect backdrop for couples seeking a breathtaking location to say “I Do”.

Wedding Reception
November 11th, 2015

The pleasure of your company is requested
at the reception immediately
following the ceremony


Grand Solmar Land’s End Resort and Spa

Grand Solmar is an ideal and exciting place for couples. The luxury rooms and infinity pools will give you the best vacations you ever had. Relax and enjoy the best sunset views from La Roca restaurant where you can have a romantic dine or a family dinner. Luxury will embrace you since you arrive to our wonderful lobby.

Playa Grande Resort and Grand Spa

Playa Grande is the best choice for family and friends. The resort has all you need to have a great vacation, Mexican specialties at our restaurants, sushi bar, and the best poolside cocktails ever; the Pacific Ocean view will leave you speechless! Don’t miss the best 6th Spa in Mexico and Centro America at Playa Grande Resort!

Great Deals on Groupon

Looking for a deal on Accommodations? We are finding some great deals on Groupon, including the host hotel!

Solmar - All Inclusive Resort

Nestled on the beach, this Cabo San Lucas resort is within a 5-minute walk of Land's End, The Arch, and Lover's Beach. Solmar Beach and Cabo Dolphins are also within 10 minutes.

At Solmar Resort, hit the private beach, dine onsite at El Tejaban, or enjoy a drink at one of the resort's 2 bars/lounges.

All 100 rooms feature kitchenettes with refrigerators and microwaves, plus balconies or patios and LED TVs with satellite channels. Other amenities available to guests include sofa beds, WiFi, and coffee makers.



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PrideOutlet: New message: Question about a product

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Our Wedding Playlist

As you can image like every event the music can make it memorable.  Here is the play list of most of the music from the ceremony to the reception. Our first dance was to John Legend’s All of my was performed by our dear friend Loren.  We will be posting the video of her soon. […]

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