Save The Date Cards Sent!

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How exciting!  Our save the date cards are done and have been mailed!  Keep an eye out for them.

Chris & Joe


  • Alison & Arun

    Chris & Joe

    This is the first time I have actually managed to access your site. What a frustrating few months. It is stunning!!! I should be working right now, but need to look at every last detail.

    I have my save the date card (still taking pride of place on the mantlepiece) but my invite is en route, so ‘SPOILER ALERT!!!”, had to back-up rapidly when I entered the page illustrating the invitations…as tempted as I was to look, I have to see the real thing for the first time.

    I am sooooo delighted for both of you. Chris, you are one of my dearest friends. It sounds impossible when I only see you when I make the lengthy trip from sunny Scotland to California, and sadly those trips are no longer as frequent as they once were or I would love them to be, but I honestly mean that. I have always treasured our friendship and will always continue to do so. Some of my fondest memories are with you, wine tasting at Limerick Lane, tucking into delicious sandwiches at Healdsburg’s Oakville Grocery, choosing ‘the perfect pumpkin’ in Petaluma, hugging Oreo until we would fall asleep on the couch, seeing the original Snoopy wall sketch at the Snoopy Museum, stopping for free fresh donuts (whether we needed them or not), visiting your mum and dad for fun family lunch or dinner, you out searching for me in Santa Rosa Bus Station long after dark (the less said about that the better)…but as you know, the list is endless…

    Arun and I have met Joe once, and I can honestly say I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart. I always wanted the very best for you Chris, and suffice to say, you have found it…!

    All our love and chat soon


    • krenmora

      Hi Alison!!

      Your our first comment how exciting! You’re such a sweet heart! I’m so glad the site finally loaded for you, hehehe. hopefully all our hard work paid off and you didn’t loose track of your day playing on the site.

      Alison & Arun

      Miss you guys!

      Chris & Joe